My Recipe For Beaujolais London Broil

Recipe: Beaujolais London Broil

Servings: 4-8 servings

Cook Time 15 Minutes

Description:  Easy to prepare, delectable to consume. Excellent for any meal of the day! Serve with a simple tossed salad and/or potato. Enjoy!


1-2 pound London Broil steak

1 bottle Beaujolais wine

6 cloves garlic

black pepper


Place London Broil in a sealable plastic container (or freezer bag in a pinch) large enough for it to set flat.

Cover the steak evenly with pepper, just enough so that you can see the pepper on the steak.

Crush or chop the garlic cloves. Place garlic in container with the steak,

Pour wine over steak to cover.

Seal container and place in the refrigerator over night.

In the morning:

open container, flip steak over, re-seal container and place steak back in the refrigerator until the evening.

To cook the steak:

Remove steak from marinade juices. (If you would like, you could cook the marinade in a small pan or pot on the stove to make a finishing sauce although this is controversial)

Grilling method:

Preheat grill. Once the grill is good and hot, place the steak on the grill, cooking about 3 minutes on first side and 2 minutes on the other side. This will give a nice grilled texture on the outside and a nice rare texture on the inside.

(Although London Broil is generally consumed rather rare, for a more well done steak cook at a lower temp for approximately 1-2 minutes more per side)

Oven method:

Preheat oven for “broil” setting on your oven or toaster oven.

Place steak onto aluminum foil covered baking sheet large enough to accommodate the steak comfortably.

Broil on first side approximately 6 minutes, flip steak and broil another 4-5 minutes.

Remove steak from oven or grill, place on a clean plate to rest for about 5 minutes.

Slice steak thinly across the shorter side of the steak.

Place a few slices on a plate ( top with sauce if using).

Peace, Love and Good Eating!

Leftovers can be heated in a pan or oven for steak and eggs, or sliced thinly enough in a nice soft italian roll with a bit if horseradish (maybe a slice of cheese) for a delicious sandwich.

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